CONVOY All for One Campaign 全心.全才.全面

Convoy’s brand proposition has always been a trusted all-round money management platform that helps people make financial choices easier and achieve their life goals. Our objective is to enhance this message in an emotional approach and bring out other core values of the brand so that people find it relevant, approachable and insightful.


With so many financial products available nowadays, people find it difficult to choose the right solutions for their needs. Meanwhile, many are unclear about the personality of Convoy and what does the brand stand for.


Creative Process
Convoy’s uniqueness lies in its wholehearted, integrated and intelligent services. The word ALL was used as the core element of the creative and we came up with the tagline “All for One” 全心.全才.全面. We developed a series of visuals to portrait the brand persona – the All-caring friend, the All-knowing innovator, and the All-round money management platform with the following messages:


全心 All-caring
Together we stand. Together we can.


全才 All-knowing
Wider vision. Wiser decision.


全面 All-rounded
Choices on hand, at all times.


The advertisements were widely launched online and offline on newspapers, outdoor billboards, railway stations, websites as well as social media channels. By spreading hope and supportive messages during Hong Kong’s hardest days, the campaign received positive feedback and has paved the way for the brand’s coming communications in the future.