Esperanza 薯片叔叔共創社

“Reimagine it!”
The most down-to-earth influencer “Mr. Pringles” is hoping to make a change for his home, Hong Kong, and its next generations. We are honoured to be one of the contributors to promote the core values of this campaign – Change our society for the better through Reimagination.

In order to achieve this goal, we wish to connect people, who come from different age groups, ethnic backgrounds and socioeconomic status, to come together and make changes in aspects of education, entrepreneurship, and health care.



Not everyone has the same interest or the motivation to make changes. Some even believe that their social power is not enough to make a difference. Therefore, they would rather follow the traditional means for what they believe to be yielding the “best” result. For instance, many critics complain that Hong Kong’s education system built decades ago has failed to serve our parents and children right in today’s society, given that Hong Kong values an exam-focused culture rather than experiential learning. Demands of continues assessments do not foster a love of learning but limit the emotional intelligence of children. Human attributes such as creativity, entrepreneurship and strong communication skills should rather be the concerns in the academic agenda.



We tailored-made a friendly way to communicate with the public regardless of their backgrounds. For instance, narrated by John Tsang aka Mr. Pringles, the 薯片叔叔食爆谷 animation series urges people to be creative and to accept diversity, rather than being shaped by the systemic society.