Convoy 一拼 開展未來

Convoy’s 2020 campaign 一拼 開展未來 features 3 brand new business units and other strategic partners. In the narrative, Convoy the curator brings together the creators, its partners, to shape the future with masterpieces. The 360 campaign comes with ads that are displayed at the Hong Kong Station travelator, the bus shelter near Tsim Sha Tsui Islamic Centre, Pacific Place, cinemas, taxies all over the city, major newspapers, and various online media.

The video version can be viewed at Convoy’s headquarters at Trust Tower, Wan Chai.

Client: Convoy
Team: Calvin, MY, Vincent, William, YC, Zoe
Support: Faddy, Ruck


一眼 就見價值
A Glance to Seize the Values

宏觀視角 微觀觸覺
Broad Vision. Meticulous Care.


一擊 成就健康財富
A Hit to Synergize Health and Wealth

創新科技 智慧管理
Ground-Breaking Technologies. Smart Management.


一躍 就在舞台
A Leap to Reach the Stage

共同創造 成就更高
Create Together. Achieve More.