HKO #1MinuteWeather Timelapse Competition
To promote the #1MinuteWeather Timelapse Video Competition that our client, HKO, has launched, so as to enhance public understanding of weather and climate change.
Professionalism and social media friendliness often contradict each other, especially in a world where people are too stressed out to even spend time watching tedious informative videos. Therefore, not only we have to choose an appropriate video style with the right tone and direction, but also a considerable narrator.
Solution/ Creative Process
Narrated by Chor Yuen the renowned film director, winner of the Hong Kong Film Award 2018 for Lifetime Achievement, our time-lapse video featuring breathtaking scenes in Hong Kong starts with a powerful message, “任何人無論琴日幾風光、幾失意,聽日天光一樣要起身做番一個人”. It emphasizes both the meaning of life and the beauty of sunrise and sunset. This leads to a takeaway more than just a weather photography competition, but how people should walk through life, which is as unpredictable as the weather.